Bone Grafts (Ridge Augmentation)
at Premier Periodontics

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Bone Grafts

Also called regenerative surgery, a bone graft is used to recreate bone and soft supporting tissues lost due to trauma or periodontal disease. If you have periodontal disease, you may be losing bony support around your teeth, and in order to avoid extractions, your periodontist may recommend regenerating the lost bone with a grafting procedure.

The goal of bone grafting is to encourage the body to rebuild the bone and other structures that attach a tooth to the jaw. First, your periodontist will separate the gums from your teeth in order to gain access to the roots and bone. The roots will be thoroughly cleaned, and the defect in the bone will be filled with a graft material that usually consists of your own bone or donor bone. After this process is completed, your periodontist will put the gums back in place and stitch them together. Over the next few months, the grafted material will be encouraged to grow in order to regenerate the lost bone and soft tissue.

Ridge Augmentation

A common use of bone grafting is for ridge augmentation. Ridge augmentation can recapture the natural contour of your gums and jaw after the loss of a tooth as a result of trauma, congenital abnormalities, infection, or periodontal disease. Achieving an ideal amount of gum and bone as a support to surrounding restorations or implants may require hard and soft tissue reconstruction. The two types of Ridge Augmentation surgeries are:

  • Soft Tissue Ridge Augmentations

During this surgical procedure, an incision is made, and the gums are lifted. A soft tissue graft is harvested—either from a suitable site in your mouth and/or a soft tissue substitute—and then inserted into the area. The gum tissue is replaced over the soft tissue graft and sutured into place.

  • Hard Tissue Ridge Augmentations

Hard tissue ridge augmentations are performed to provide adequate bone dimensions prior to dental implant surgery. After creating an incision, the gums are lifted, and the graft is placed to augment the atrophied bony ridge.

What is the cost of a Bone Graft? 

The costs associated with a Ridge Augmentation or Bone Graft procedure will vary based on numerous factors like your insurance provider, severity, and number of teeth being repaired. To better prepare for any associated costs, contact our office to speak with one of our highly trained professionals for an estimate. 

    Bone Graft Recovery Time

    It can take three to 12 months for the bone graft to fuse to the natural bone and be ready for the final implant. In some cases, the implant can be placed at the same time as the hard tissue ridge augmentation.

      Is a Bone Graft Painful?

      You will receive anesthesia during your procedure, so the process is painless. We are dedicated to providing dramatic results with minimal pain. Oral medication can be taken to alleviate any discomfort after your procedure.

        Bone Graft Post-Op

        Once the procedure is complete, you will get detailed instructions on how to care for the site until the new bone is regenerated. You may be provided with or recommended to use an antiseptic mouthwash to help reduce the risk of developing an infection at the incision site, and you may also be given a round of antibiotics to take as a precaution. 

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