Gingivectomy Procedure 
at Premier Periodontics

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Gingivectomy Overview

Gingivectomy is the removal of the gingiva or gum tissue to treat conditions like gingivitis or periodontal disease, or simply for cosmetic purposes. Gingivectomy surgery can be done if you have gum recession due to aging, bacterial infections, gum injury, or gum diseases. If you’re experiencing sensitivity, pain, swelling, or any other discomfort due to a gum related disease, Gingivectomy Surgery can help alleviate this pain and your primary dentist may recommend this procedure to prevent further gum damage and for easier cleaning.

If your dentist finds out that you have some periodontitis symptoms, then you may need to have the gingivectomy procedure. Some of these symptoms include loose or excess gums, pain, bad breath, bleeding, and swollen gums. This can be treated through laser or surgery depending on the severity of your condition. 


What causes uneven gums?

A gingivectomy is a great option for individuals whose gums cover too much or too little of their teeth. For example, gums that are too high can make your teeth look smaller. Your gums can also become uneven if you had a dental crown or implant placed. There are two indicators to consider when looking at a gingivectomy procedure:

  • Genetics  some people have uneven gum lines due to genetic factors. If your gums are not causing any health problems, gum reshaping isn’t medically necessary and would purely be cosmetic.
  • Gum disease  periodontitis, which is the advanced form of gum disease, this procedure may be a necessary part of your periodontal treatment plan.. Patients with this condition may benefit from gingival sculpting. 

Even though gum reshaping is mostly a cosmetic procedure, the procedure can be medically necessary in some cases.  Other necessary surgeries usually include pocket reduction, dental crown lengthening, and bone regeneration treatments. 


Gingivectomy Procedure Process

The following is an overview of the steps involved in the gingivectomy procedure.

  • Before the gingivectomy procedure, the dentist will inject anesthesia into your gums to numb the area so you don’t feel any pain.
  • The dentist may use a scalpel or a laser to remove a part of the gum tissues from the surface.
  • The dentist will use a suction tool that removes the saliva generated by your mouth so it doesn’t interfere with the gingivectomy procedure.
  • The dentist will remove all of the necessary gum tissues.
  • Once the necessary tissues have been removed, the dentist will use a laser to shape the remaining gum tissues in the gum line and vaporize the excess tissues.
  • The treated region will be extremely sensitive. So the dentist will apply a soft protective gel and bandages to protect it from external impurities.

    What is the difference between Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty?

    Gingivoplasty is a procedure in which the dentist simply shapes the gums without removing any gum tissues, whereas a Gingivectomy is a complete removal of the gum tissue as part of a periodontitis care process. As such, Gingivectomy is usually meant for medical purposes where Gingivoplasty is usually cosmetic in nature.

      How much does a Gingivectomy cost?

      If the procedure is not medically necessary and strictly for cosmetic purposes, you will have to pay out-of-pocket, but if it is recommended to improve your oral health by your dentist or periodontist you may qualify for insurance coverage. 

      Depending on how many teeth require treatment and the extent of the condition, the cost for treatment and coverage can vary. It is essential to talk with your dentist or periodontist, as well as your insurance provider, to determine the best plan of action. 

      Post Procedure Expectations

      After the procedure, you will be provided detailed instructions on how to take care of your gums and teeth. You should not drink warm or hot beverages and only eat soft foods for about a week after surgery. Also, do not drink alcohol or smoke tobacco during the healing process. You can also take over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce any pain and discomfort., however, it is recommended to refrain from taking aspirin because it can increase bleeding. 

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